Hottest Countries in the World in 2023

Many places on Earth can experience intense summer heat, such as Africa or island nations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Burkina Faso in West Africa is one of the hottest places on earth. This landlocked nation experiences hot dry Saharan winds throughout the year and maintains an average annual temperature of 30 degC. 1. […]

Air Conditioning Health Effects

Air conditioning in your property has several negative effects on the human body, including a dry air that can make skin dry and dehydrate people. It can also contribute to respiratory ailments such as influenza and coronaviruses. These illnesses are spread by airborne pathogens that can vary depending on air temperature, humidity and turbulence. Air […]

A Gluten Free Lifestyle: What You Should Know

Introduction: Gluten is a protein commonly present in food items like wheat, barley, rye, pastry, cake, and bread. In addition, gluten in plants and crops plays an essential role in providing flexibility and preventing them from drying. In bakery items like cakes and bread, gluten gives a texture and fluffy appearance. Hence most bakery items […]